
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I can’t begin to say how amazing his is and how much of a difference this will make to Louis’ life.

Rob, 2017

Hi to all you wonderful people who have been so very kind in raising funds for our brave princess Georgia. We are so excited as this will make a huge difference to Georgia and ourselves. Georgia’s current chair weighs around 100kg with Georgia sitting in it and her equipment. So it’s very heavy and I’m only 5ft 2 so this will be amazing. I also suffer with fibromyalgia so really struggle. Once again massive thank yous!

Tracey, Paul, Dan & Georgia x – 2017

It will make a great difference to my life because it will make everyday tasks easier, and where the wheelchair can rise it will help with my anxiety so I can be at the same level as other people instead of others looking down on me or completely ignoring me, it will also make me more independent.

Jade, 2017

The chair will make a huge difference to Harry’s independence. His biggest love is his sausage dog ‘Poppy’ and now with his powered wheelchair he will be able to take her out for a walk without assistance. This is a big thing for Harry.

Chris, 2017

A power chair makes a real difference to our family as it gives Summer some much needed independence. It also makes it much easier for us to go out as a family and not have to worry about if we will manage with pushing Summer around in her manual chair over the day as with being 13 she can get quite heavy to push and if it’s just me taking Summer out I start to struggle after a little while pushing and keeping and eye on my youngest too.

Sam, 2017

A powered wheelchair gives me the ability to go out with my friends and not be dependent on people pushing me, it means I have more independence in every aspect of life and therefore improves it as a whole.

Louis, 2017